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The Hobby Horse was the first African American book store in the United States, established in Harlem in 1930 during the Harlem Renaissance. This rich intellectual and cultural period in African American history occurred in the Harlem borough of New York City during The Great Migration. From 1915 to 1970 six million African Americans migrated from the rural south to cities in West, Midwest and the Northeast. This imagined Hobby Horse Literary Guild is my tribute to the Harlem Renaissance.

panel one
Photo and pigmented beeswax combines on Kozo and wood panel.
panel two
Photo and pigmented beeswax combines on Kozo and wood panel.
panel three
Photo and pigmented beeswax combines on Kozo and wood panel.
panel four
Photo and pigmented beeswax combines on Kozo and wood panel.
panel five
Photo and pigmented beeswax combines on Kozo and wood panel.
panel six
Photo and pigmented beeswax combines on Kozo and wood panel.